Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who knew?

I never thought I'd be one of "those moms." The kind that breastfeed their child then make all their babyfood, because you really never know what it in the jar. Turns out, I'm TOTALLY one of those moms. I even took a class...stop giggling. She has had a couple of baby foods, but that's just because I couldn't find them fresh and I read the label and did a little research before buying. I just see the numbers continue to climb when I stand on the scale, and I don't really want Scouten to learn any of my eating habits - well maybe when I gave up processed sugar for six months - but other then that, I want her to have her own habits.

Today, I made baby casserole - I know exactly what is in it, and how it was prepared, and there were NO jars involved...When I was finished, I looked at it and thought there was no way she would ever eat it. It looked great cooking and smelled great, but when it was pureed it looked AWFUL. Turns out I know nothing about baby cuisine, because.....

She licked the bowl clean...and it wasn't a little bowl either...

She did take a FEW pauses to try to figure out why her mama had the camera...

But it didn't slow her down too terribly much...

When she was done, she decided to share with her girls, and threw the bowl down for the dogs to inspect her work...

Then she started on cleaning up the spoon...Damn! She already has learned her mother's eating habits...


Cole said...

I love that you're 'that' kind of Mommy! I think it's fantastic!!

P.S. The dogs were serving their purpose while Scouten is little...clean the floor so Mommy doesn't have to. =)

Cj said...

Wow! Next you will probably start buying all organic food! :)