In that five years Sean and I have remodeled a house, changed jobs, switched religions, seen our friends and family marry and divorce, celebrated nine birthdays, survived five Christmas Eve's, cut down six trees and had numerous fights!
Fights? Yes - my mom says she worries because she never fought in front of her children - and her children would think that marriage is all hearts and flowers. The hearts and flowers ended when we put down our black and white kitchen floor - I thought we'd probably never speak to each other again. I'm pretty sure my mother's children have figured out that married couples don't always agree- my sister and brother-in-law celebrated 25 years this year, and my brother and sister-in-law will celebrate 25 years next year.
Which reminds me - tell the ones around you how you feel about them. I know you've heard that a million times, and I know you THINK you don't need to hear it or say it - but trust me - you do need to say it. Sean and I say "I love you" about 100 times a day. Then Tuesday night, in the middle of a "discussion" Sean told me that he wanted to be married to me more then anything. And I cried - big gulpy, sobby, oh my God, my husband really loves me tears.
Sean - I want to be married to you more than anything else - you really are the love of my life.
my friend thinks we are like 10 in this picture - but really we are 17 and 18....either way, damn were we skinny
Happy Anniversary even though I wasn't invited to the wedding. Ha Ha. That is my favorite wedding picture of you guys
Happy Anniversary guys!
Oh my gosh, Rhys.....that first picture of you is GREAT! Dooce would be proud!
Happy Anniversary!
Ahh....great post, Rhys!...and classic picture. Love it!
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