Monday, July 23, 2007

Posting Guilt

After checking out Jamie's new revamping of her page (it's beautiful, and you can check it out by clicking here), I feel guilty for not posting! I was going to justify (to myself and you) why I have not posted over the past few days, but I thought I'd rather show's a sample of my past week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Baker!

I LOVE the first pic.....very great lines, angles, colors...very nice all-around.

And the others are great, too....did that Buffalo seem disturbed by how close you were?

I saw you yesterday.....but not until after we'd almost passed you (or it was your truck anyway...maybe it was your hubby). We were driving home from the pool, and I was trying to get Zane's "fun dip" open for him....and not paying attention to the road! Whomever named that "Fun Dip" should have thought should really be called "Big, gross, messy bag of colored sugar that will soon be on the floor of your car so why did you buy me, you stupid Dip".

How's the Photoshop coming?

Anonymous said...

Can I do this? Does office 03 run in Windows 7?

[url=]What diet should i folo for when i start drinking protien shakes[/url]