Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Floating the Niangua River

This past weekend my husband and I, along with our friends Rebecca, Steve, Janet and about a million of Janet's friends went floating along the Niangua River. Where's that? I'm glad you asked, click here for more info. By the way, the cabins for next year are already all rented!

Since the last time we went I canoed with Sean and tipped a billion times, I decided two things (1) you should never canoe with your significant other and (2) you should probably go buy a cheap waterproof camera at Walmart. I did just that...so keep in mind these pics are taken without a flash, without focus, and without all the things I never realized that I use!

the banks of the Niangua

This is our group stopped at a gravel bar along the way.
Next year I am getting aqua socks, I don't care how dorky I look,
I am SICK of chasing my flip-flops down stream!

believe it or not, there were some people (or morons) sliding down this cliff

trees overhanging the river...beautiful, unless you get too close

I was trying to show how clear the water was, you really can see the gravel on the bottom of the riverbed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! Was this Janet Adkison? How's she doing?