Sunday, June 24, 2007

Photoshop Support Hates Me...

Original Picture

Something Missing?



My personal favorite is the last one...


Anonymous said...

You cloned out the sign!! you can be a PS addict like me! These look great!

We really should form a club (or support group, whatever you want to call it). Michelle and I were just talking about this the other day.....just to share ideas, tips, etc.

This is in Palmer, right? Mom and I just drove through there on Saturday...she had NEVER been there.....she's 58 years old, and she grew up in could this be??

Chelsie said...

I'm in on the club! I'd love to learn from all of you!

Rhys said...

Jamie...I think you are a little mixed up...must be all that driving. This is in good ole Clay Center Kansas, just across from Garfield School. I always think how pretty the hollyhocks are and wonder what the story is about who planted them. I tried it in black and white, but it didn't look right. What night of the week do you think our support group should meet? I'm totally hooked!