Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tag - You're it!

Jaime stinks, because she has "tagged" me, which means I am to tell you seven things or habits about myself that you might not know, and then tag seven more people to do the same. So here goes:

1--I read Dooce everyday - she's so amazing - When we retire, Chelsie, Jamie and I will probably stalk her! I wish I could write like that, and get away with it!

2-- My brothers and sisters are a whole lot older then me - when I was born, my brother was 17, my middle sister was 20, and I can't even figure how old my oldest sister was - I THINK she was 22...

3-- I am a procrastinator - I amaze myself everyday I get out of bed - enough said.

4-- I was dying to know about Jamie's scar, but never asked her.

5-- I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up! I would secretly like to be a writer, senator or representative, or a journalism teacher.

6--I love Jericho - although it scares me, because it could be so real - at the same time - Jake is beyond HOT!

7-- The idea of being fingerprinted (for any reason) scares the hell out of me!

Now, I'm supposed to tag 7 more people. I'm not sure I even know 7 people that read this blog, however if you want to play along by responding in the comment section, power to ya!

Rebecca, Jamie, Chelsie, Angie, Addie, Marabeth, and that's all I can think of!


Anonymous said...

I vote you pursue the writing and journalism're good at it. I've enjoyed your articles in the Dispatch.....they need someone like you.

Or...have you ever thought of getting into radio? :)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree on the Cutie Patootie Jake from Jericho...WOW!

See, someone else does read your blog!!! Jolie