Thursday, March 01, 2007

You know you live in Kansas when....

yesterday i played with my camera, using the flash, not using the flash, playing with the different settings, etc. i was really inspired by the 60-plus degree weather. this is the time of year when the lilacs, just barely bud and i am reminded of how wonderous life is. i am also reminded of my grandmother, who i still miss constantly four-years after her death, but who i espescially miss this time of year. here are SOME of the results from yesterday, others are just too awful to post! yes, there are pictures worse then this in my collection

i would love to remove that freaking branch in the second picture! i should have known yesterday that the weather was going to change drastically today...yes, part of that is because i read the forecast all day (it's called denial people), but i also should have known because as i was taking pictures, at 4:45 in the afternoon, the moon was out. i knew you'd think i'd been drinking, if i told you that, so here's proof!

and when i say drastic change and i am talking about weather, i really mean it! here's a picture of the same lilacs around 7:45 this morning....this should tell you two things (a) she lives in kansas and (b) beware of 4 o'clock moons

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your moon pics. I sure wish I would have had my camera with me on Sunday night....the moon was gorgeous. I was too lazy to go get it.