Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Dear Addie...

You are how old? I don't really care to admit that I held this beautiful girl when she was just one day old...because she's only one year from being a legal drinker....not only does that help you figure my age, but it also scares the hell out of me! Good Lord, I swear yesterday she was a fifth grader....not someone who is celebrating because she's giving out flu shots while in nursing school!

Doesn't she look like a doll in this picture? I know! She doesn't look real!
Her mama and papa are looking at her like they just might want to keep her!

Addie and Courtney- Christmas last year...or was it the year before? I can't keep track!

Addie and I reading the comics...check out that bald head and that choppy hair!

1 comment:

addie said...

Thank you Rhys Anne! The picture of Court and I was taken my senior year so it was 2 years ago I guess. We have numerous hours of me as a baby on VCR tapes. My dad is in the process of burning them from the VCR to DVD. There are about 15 different films of me in the bathtub on there and several others. Do you remember that time when Grandma tried to dress Court and I up in Great Grandpa's gown in the white basket? Well you thought the still pictures of it were bad but we have it on FILM! You were on there several times sticking your tongue out and making goofy faces every chance you could get infront of the camera. I think you were probably about 9 or 10 years old. Ohh and I can't forget about the choppy hair! Its a good one you should probably watch sometime if you haven't already.