Saturday, February 17, 2007

My valentine is very good about remembering the day, and spoiling me rotten. But this year, he was exceptional!

First, a little background - my mother has decided that I am going to be a pie bird collector, and there was a pie bird in my Christmas stocking. I think my pie bird is really beautiful, but it was hard for me to decide where to put it - this is where my valentine comes in...he built me a shelf for the beginning of my collection - I was psyched to say the least! The only problem is that the single pie bird looks a little lonely. . . I think purchasing more pie birds is my only option. . .


Anonymous said...

Yes, a shopping trip is definitely in order, right away. I'm very impressed with the beautiful shelf....very nice. Your Valentine did very well.

Chelsie said...

Way to go Sean Baker. The shelf is awesome!