Wednesday, January 10, 2007

City of Brotherly Love

Sean and I had so much fun in Philadelphia, I wish we could go back...walk for blocks...and accomplish was a great week! Here's my four-picture tour of the my favorite parts of Philly...

Philadelphia City Hall - The guy on the roof is William Penn (as in PENNsylvania)...our wonderful psychotic tour guide told us that for the longest time there was an unwritten rule that nothing in Philly could be build taller then the brim of Mr Penn's hat, but rules were made to be broken...

Carpenter's Hall - You could rent this building - but I don't think it was like renting the Senior Center or the Depot... the First Continental Congress met here to "address their grievances" against the King. A part of me wishes that people still talked like that...and a part of me knows that I would stumble over the word "grievances" on the air...

If you don't know what this is...go climb back under your rock and don't worry about it...

I wish I could take credit for this blurry beautiful picture, but it was my husband who snapped it in the middle of the night while standing on a median as his wife yelled at him.


Chelsie said...

Where have I been that I didn't know you went to Philadelphia? Love the pics.

Rhys said...

I guess I should have clarified that I found these pics last night while I was looking for a totally unrelated file...and decided to post and reminise at the same time...