Sunday, December 31, 2006

SNOW...snow...SNOW....snow (imagine the actors singing it in White Christmas)

I live in Kansas, and my sister lives in Oklahoma, and she has seen more snow this year then I have...Yep, it's the 31st of December and this is our first snowfall! I tried to take a picture against the pitch of our house so you could see how fine the snow is....

Although in mass quantities I realize that it isn't good for trees, it still makes for a pretty picture!

That's not a mushroom! It's our landscaping lights...

Good thing there is no mail tomorrow or Tuesday (did you know the post office is going to be closed?) because my mail box is covered by snow!

I also took a video of the snow covered neighborhood this morning, the windchimes are really annoying, but you can still watch it by clicking here.

1 comment:

addie said...

The snow is beautiful Rhy! The flakes are so fine. It looks like powder snow. Our snow flakes were huge and wet! Ohh and is the post office really closed not only on Monday but on Tuesday also? If so, you just saved me a trip to the mailbox!